Joy and I have known each other for several years, she was always front and center in my Spinning class and would keep me up-to-date on the latest and hottest club mixes to use in class. So imagine my thrill and surprise when she called me up and said, "Hey, I really like the photos of your kids on facebook, maybe you will shoot my wedding?" WHOA!! REALLY?!
My first instinct was to run, really fast in the opposite direction - something that would resemble Tom Cruise in the movie "The Firm". When I was finally able to breath, I said "Of course, I would be honored to shoot your wedding." WHAT?! Did that really just come out of my mouth? Yes it did. Oh. Emm. Gee.
I knew that at some point I had to put myself out there and grab this photography "bull" by the horns, just jump in head first and hope I didn't sink. I read and read and studied and stressed. I bought a new flash, and read and read and studied and stressed. I poured over my favorite wedding photographers website, studying hundreds and hundreds of pictures and poses and stressed. By the time for Joy's wedding, I was a ball of nerves, my stomach was a mess and realized I had nothing to wear! I spend 90% of my time in athletic wear, (insert frantic phone call to best friend and beg her to dress me!)
Well.....I didn't sink, and most importantly, Joy was happy! Her approval (of course, Michael's too) was like getting a gold star in grade school, like coming in first place and winning the blue ribbon, like standing on the podium with a gold medal around your neck (oooh-KAY, so I don't know what that feels like, but you get my drift). Joy validated me as a photographer, and it was so sweet and rewarding, it made all the studying and stress worthwhile. Thank you Joy!
It certainly made my job easy that Joy was incredibly stunning and Michael so handsome. Their three girls are beautiful, they make a gorgeous family! Here is a little peak into Joy and Michael's day.